Can There Be Wedding Pictures Any Worse Than These? | Others

Can There Be Wedding Pictures Any Worse Than These?

25 Apr, 2012 | category - Others | 14 photos | 4447 visits

These wedding pictures cost $1,200, but there is not a single one that is made properly.

Geary family from Warwickshire, UK, first thought that it was a joke, when they received a CD with the pictures of what was supposed to be the best day of their lives. Every photo was spoiled in some way, most being out of focus or terribly composed.

Everyone in the group portraits was looking in the wrong direction, and the pictures of the evening party were made without the flash, because one of the photographers claimed to be epileptic. The couple never got the full refund for the pictures, since the firm soon went bust and the photographers had to sell their cameras to cover the financial claims of the enraged customers.

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