Play Homes Built for Super Rich Kids

08 Oct, 2011 | category - Others | 11 photos | 8470 visits

Some kids can’t wait to be adults, so one Pennsylvania company, Lilliput Play Homes, builds intricate play homes for them to live in.

This house cost an astonishing $19,999. All of these houses come with fancy furniture, various accessories and some even have electricity for an air conditioner, just in case the kiddies get too hot.

“We had one client in Florida, a trucking magnate, who ordered an entire street of houses at a cost of $100,000” said company owner Steve Chernicky. “It was a very big individual order.”

“The starting price for one of our standard cabins is around $5,800. However, if the family wants something specific, prices can reach as high as $60,000,” said Chernicky. The house in this photo is worth $9,599.

“The starting price for one of our standard cabins is around $5,800. However, if the family wants something specific, prices can reach as high as $60,000,” said Chernicky. The house in this photo is worth $9,599.

The company has a special UK VIP client list. Chernicky says, “Most of our business is international, which requires our representatives to visit the clients in order to better help us build their homes. In the above photo the boy plays in a home worth $4699.