Wedding ring for $10 000 in trash | Others

Wedding ring for $10 000 in trash

29 Nov, 2011 | category - Others | 8 photos | 5305 visits

Brian McGuinn, of Margate, Florida, accidentally tossed his wife Anna’s $10k wedding ring into the trash along with his disposable razor. However, once he realized what he had done the trash company had already picked up their garbage. In a panic Anna dialed their local waste management company Wheelabrator to let them know of their predicament.
Luckily, Brian was at the literal trash heap within the hour and was able to dig through his neighborhood trash.
Diving into the disgusting pile of over 8 tons of rotten food and various other trash items he was somehow able to find the expensive, and sentimental ring.
Brian proved his love for his wife by not only retrieving the lost ring, but also saying that he would dumpster dive all over again for his wife’s ring.

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